2D perfusion by angiography in peripheral arterial occlusion. Post-procedural immediate evaluation method
vascular occlusion, peripheral arterial disease, stent, intermittent claudication, two-dimensional perfusion.Abstract
Peripheral artery disease is considered the leading cause of hospitalization, with risk of amputation of the affected limb and death due to the disease per se or its complications. It is reported the experience of treatment in a patient with diabetic macroangiopathy, stenosis of 64% of the left iliac artery and involvement of the bilateral femoro-popliteal segments, to which, through a percutaneous access via the left brachial artery, revascularization was performed through the implantation of cobalt-chromium stent released by balloon catheter. The objective of this study was to describe the usefulness of 2D-ASD and its value as a tool to determine the trans-procedure and the impact on blood flow of the revascularization performed, and to establish a functional prognosis for the patient. Two-dimensional perfusion angiography was used as a tool to evaluate the technical success of the procedure and the immediate impact on distal perfusion of the affected limb, and to describe the usefulness of the parametric color scale and density curves as a function of the time obtained in the study.
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