Carotid atherosclerotic lesion in patients with coronary surgery
ultrasonography, atheromatous plaque, post-surgical cerebral ischemia.Abstract
Introduction: Ischemic cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the developed world or in the process of becoming so, above oncological ones, traffic accidents and vascular-cerebral diseases. The early diagnosis of a coronary lesion allows to achieve the prevention of acute ischemic attack, and to perform the appropriate revascularization treatment with surgical risk assessment, which allows to obtain acceptable morbidity and mortality figures.
Objective: To describe the ultrasonographic characteristics of carotid arteries as a risk of stroke in patients with myocardial revascularization.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and longitudinal study was conducted in 208 coronary sector´s revascularized patients, with pre-surgical ultrasonographic study of the carotid arteries as a predictive method of ischemic cerebral vascular disease.
Results: In 20 patients there were brain symptoms that were classified into minor and major. There was a predominance of minors and, among them, of agitation. The primary risk factors were evaluated and the degree of irregularity was highlighted in the characteristics of the atherosclerotic plaques.
Conclusions: The ultrasonographic study of the carotid arterial tree should be an essential part of the predictive study of the patient who is undergoing coronary revascularization.
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