Simple Angioplasty of the Aorta in Leriche Syndrome
angioplasty, aorta, Leriche.Abstract
Leriche syndrome is known as an aortoiliac arterial occlusive disease, characterized by chronic obstruction of the infrarenal abdominal aorta and iliac arteries. The development of endovascular techniques has produced hemodynamically acceptable outcomes that have made their use an effective alternative for the treatment of these patients. The objective of this article was to present two cases with diagnosis of Leriche syndrome, successfully treated by means of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the aorta, performed at the arteriology service of Instituto de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular, in Havana, of female sex and in their fifth decade of life. Total remission of symptoms was achieved, with optimal long- and mid-term patency, which eliminated the surgical risks of conventional surgery.
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