Preparedness of Caregivers of Dependent Elderlies for Diabetic Foot Prevention
elderly health, self-care, caregivers, ulcer, diabetic foot, diabetes mellitus.Abstract
Introduction: Caregivers of dependent elderlies at risk for diabetic foot has an important role in the prevention of this health problem worldwide.
Objective: To identify the level of preparedness of caregivers of dependent elderlies for the prevention of diabetic foot.
Methods: A descriptive quantitative study was carried out. A questionnaire was used, after being validated by expert judgment. An observation guide was applied to evaluate the practice.
Results: The level of preparedness of the caregiver of a dependent elderly for the prevention of diabetic foot is regular in 55.67%, a fact of concern for the quality of care that this person is going to provide to their relative. The level of practice ranges between regular and deficient in 61.86 %, a condition supported by the fact that they do not have the level of theoretical preparedness to develop an adequate practice.
Conclusions: The variables "preparedness" and "practice of caregivers" of dependent elderlies on diabetic foot prevention are associated with theory and practice as a single process.
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