The Clinical Case of a Patient with Cutaneous Angiosarcoma of Head and Face
angiosarcoma, malignant neoplasm, head, face.Abstract
Introduction: Angiosarcoma is a rare malignant neoplasm that originates in the lining of blood and lymphatic vessels. It usually affects the skin, manifesting as an infiltrative and extensive lesion of anaplastic cells, similar to a hematoma that grows over time.
Objective: To describe the clinical case of a patient with cutaneous angiosarcoma of the head and face.
Clinical case: The patient was a 74-year-old white female patient with type I diabetes mellitus and severe essential arterial hypertension, for which she has suffered multiple complications that have required hospital admission. She attended consultation for a tumor on the scalp extending to the face, which had appeared eight months ago, with a diameter of approximately seven centimeters, slightly painful, with an erythematous appearance and indurated consistency. The patient did not present any lymph nodes or distant metastasis and treatment included the combination of radiotherapy with chemotherapy.
Conclusions: Although the patient’s lesion improved the after six months of treatment, it is an aggressive tumor with poor prognosis, which requires early diagnosis and timely treatment.
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