Comprehensive Care Program for Diabetic Patients at the Manuel Fajardo Rivero Hospital in Villa Clara
diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot, diabetic foot ulcer.Abstract
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus, due to its social and economic repercussions, constitutes one of the greatest challenges in the field of chronic diseases, taking into account that it is an important cause of morbidity and mortality.
Objective: To describe the results of the Comprehensive Care Program for diabetic patients.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and prospective research was conducted on the Comprehensive Care to the diabetic patients in the Hospital “Manuel Fajardo Rivero” during October 2017 and July 2024. The sample consisted of 593 patients treated. The following variables were taken into account: age, sex, type and time of evolution of diabetes, classification of diabetic foot, complications, administration of Heberprot-P®, healing, medical and surgical treatment, and follow-up. Descriptive statistical techniques were used.
Results: Age between 61 and 70 years (43.17 %), female sex (55.14 %), type 2 diabetes mellitus (96.30 %) and evolution of more than 10 years (70.15 %) predominated. Diabetic foot ulcer was present in 49.75 % and Heberprot-P® was administered to 41.65 %. Diabetic neuropathy was the most frequent chronic complication in 78.92 %. Ostectomy of the II and III metatarsal was performed in 35.75 %. Healing time was ranged from 14 to 21 days.
Conclusions: The Integral Care Program for diabetic patients showed good results, which allowed early diagnosis and treatment; in addition, interdisciplinarity and patient follow-up were achieved.
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