The System of Imaging Studies for Approaching Diagnostically the Bithalamic Lesion in the Percheron Artery Area
imaging studies, bithalamic lesion, ataxia, Percheron artery.Abstract
Introduction: Percheron syndrome is a very rare disease, presenting itself in the form of ischemic cerebral infarcts and related to anatomical variations of thalamic irrigation.
Objective: To present a clinical case of a bithalamic lesion in the Percheron artery area under a clinical-imaging diagnostic approach.
Case presentation: A 63-year-old female patient is presented, with a history of fluctuating disorders of consciousness level and cognitive-behavioral alterations. She is currently being treated for ataxia of sudden onset, which coincided with low level of consciousness, for which reason she was treated and placed under follow-up.
Conclusions: The patient evolved satisfactorily due to the use and combination of clinical-imaging methods, which traced the way for an accurate diagnostic approach.
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