Characterization of atherosclerotic risk factors in patients with diabetic foot in Ecuador
diabetes mellitus, risk factor, peripheral vascular disease.Abstract
Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with high cardiovascular risk. Patients with cardiovascular mortality triple the risk of cardiovascular mortality and double the risk of total mortality, compared to non-diabetic patients. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The risk factors and consequent diseases of atherosclerosis are preventable, through prevention strategies aimed at its control and a lifestyle that promotes health from an early age.
Objective: Describe the clinical-epidemiological and demographic characteristics and the atherogenic risk factors associated with patients treated in the diabetic foot clinic of "León Becerra Camacho" Hospital in Ecuador.
Methods: Descriptive observational study in outpatient services with a diagnosis of diabetic foot at "León Becerra Camacho" Hospital. The study period was February-August 2017. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and present risk factors were taken into account. The results were expressed in tables with absolute and relative frequencies.
Results: A predominance of the male sex, the sixth decade of life, the urban area and the risk factors were found: arterial hypertension, smoking habit, sedentary lifestyle and alcoholism; as well as comorbidities: ischemic heart disease and diabetic macroangiopathy. Major amputations had a lower proportion.
Conclusions: The risk factors of greater incidence found were: arterial hypertension, smoking habit, dyslipidemia and alcoholism; as well as the association of more than three risk factors.
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