Ultrasound characteristics of peripheral arterial disease of the lower limbs in type II diabetics
arterial disease of the lower limbs, eco-Doppler, risk factors.Abstract
Introduction: Peripheral arterial disease of the lower limbs is an important manifestation of systemic arteriosclerosis. Ultrasound is capable of making a timely diagnosis.
Objective: To describe the ultrasound characteristics of peripheral arterial disease of the lower limbs in type II diabetic patients.
Methods: A descriptive, prospective study was conducted in a sample of 209 diabetic patients with peripheral arterial disease diagnosed by Doppler ultrasound.
Results: The calcified and segmented mean intimate complex predominated in 27.75 % of the patients, and the hyperechogenic hard atheromatous plaques were located in the posterior tibial and left popliteal arteries. Nine cases of critical stenosis were found. Peak systolic velocity, pulsatility index and resistance index varied by degree of stenosis.
Conclusions: A predominance of the calcified and segmented intima media complex with hyperechogenic hard plaques was observed, and a decrease in the systolic peak speed and the pulsatility index. The resistance index increased in patients with calcification of the distal arteries.
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